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Choosing the right bed frame
With hundreds if not thousands of bed frames on the market, the choice can be overwhelming. Here we've put together a simple guide to choosing a frame which will be sturdy and support the mattress you rest on it with some go to pointers to consider when you look.
Choosing a bed can be easier than you think. In this bed frame buyer’s guide, we look at when to replace your bed, the different types of bed frames, box springs, and bed frame materials. We also provide tips on buying the right bed for you. We start with knowing when the right time is to replace your frame.
When should I look to update my bed frame?
Beds get a lot of use. It’s one of the pieces of furniture you use the most in the home and need to be cared for. Eventually the fittings and slat system that supports the mattress will a bit of TLC and you may need to consider upgrading or replacing parts to continue supporting your mattress for longer.
Some tell tale signs that it may be time to replace or upgrade your bedstead frame:
- Despite replacing your mattress, you still don’t get the support you need.
- The bed creaks or makes crunching noises when you move.
- The slats under the mattress are warped badly downwards, cracked or even broken.
- The frame has split wood or there are signs the side rails are bending downwards when you sit on the edge of the bed.
- Fixings in the corners of the frame are bent, loose, or twisted.
- The centre support leg underneath the bed is missing or badly damaged, causing the slats to bow and bend.
If you spot any of these signs when observing your bedstead, it’s time to start your search for a new option!
Styles of bedstead base for optimum support
Solid slat bed bases
Solid bed slats are firm planks which span the full width of the bed frame and dont flex. Often made out of wood such as pine or ply and the slats will be screwed to the bedstead side rails and grouped together. A solid foundation which to rest a quality mattress, but bare in mind these types of base firm up the feel of any mattress quite considerably.
Sprung slatted bed bases
The slats on a sprung slatted bed base are made from (beech) plywood, making them more robust and slightly curved upwards. Their curved nature makes them more flexible and usually have plastic or rubber caps on each end to fit snugly into the side rails of your bed. These types of slat are usually shorter and fit into the centre rail of the bedstead making them slightly stronger and more robust.
Sprung curved slatts are generally better for comfort as they allow your mattress to flex to a greater extent than the solid slat options.
Top tip: Slats on any bed should be no further apart than just under 3 inches (7 cm). Any wider and the mattress won't be fully supported resulting in possible damage, excessive dipping and will invalidate any manufacturers guarantee.
Upholstered platform lid bases
A recent addition to many quality bedsteads is the option to have both halves of the base platform snugly fit inside the perimeter of the side rails and footboard. These upholstered boards are seamless and provide the consistent and easy to access support base for any mattress. Upholstered bedstead manufacturers such as MA Living and Enchanted House Beds are widely using this style.
Upholstered sprung lid bases
The best option of all to provide the ultimate support for any quality mattress. This style of base fits effortlessly onto all types of bedstead frame with the aide of cut our segments and timber battons to stop anything sliding off the side rails. A strong timber frame upholstered with quality upholstery and full of pocket springs for added support.
Some manufacturers will allow this style of base to fit into the fabric bedsteads for a seamless finish, we also sell just the bedstead sprung base option to retrofit to your excisting bedstead - a great option if you're still in love with your bed but want a little extra comfort and a simple mattress topper wont do!
- As there are many things to consider, speak to our sleep experts and we'll guide you through the process - taking all the measurements we need before you decide to buy.
Bed frame materials and how they differ…
Bed frames come in a wide variety of materials from soft pine, to extra strength oak or ash timbers, soft alloys to sturdy cast iron and low grade fabrics to ultra luxurious leathers and velvets for the long lasting look and feel of a top designer hotel look.
No online website will tell you the finer details of the make up and the composition under the surface but in most cases the price reflects the quality!
Stronger materials mean the frame will withstand years of use, a heavy duty mattress, and will not fail you. Our manufacturers are carefully vetted to only provide the strongest and most durable options for all budgets.
Pine vs Ash and Oak.
Pine grows very fast and is widely used as a low cost option for many timber bed frames. It is soft and is susceptible to warping and cracking in humidity created inside our homes due to the central heating. Ash or Oak as an alternative is a slow grown, tight grain timber which doesn't move or twist when kiln dried and seasoned which makes for a great material long term and adds immense strength to any bedstead frame if used with quality fittings and dovetailed joints. All our Cotswold Caners bedsteads are made using the finest home grown Ash timbers.
Low grade fabric vs ultra high thread count materials
It's all down to cost. Low weave fabrics with no backing materials will rip and become threadbare very quickly, especially when leaning against a headboard and rubbing against the side rails. High thread count premium grade fabrics which have been extensively tested to 100,000 plus rub counts will last vastly longer and look their best for years. Our MA Living bedsteads and Vispring leg divans all come with the finest quality fabrics and tickings.
Our go-to advice for buying a bed frame
Love at first sight? If only it were that simple and the first bedstead frame you see in your search for ‘the one’, you fell for.
The first thing you should consider before you buy is - will it fit?
Measure the room and the bed - See our measuring guide for more important advice.
Remember the size of the mattress. Choosing your bed frame will be easy if you already have a mattress and you know how deep it is and how it will feel on the support system the bed comes with. Double check the width and length of your mattress as some bed frames vary in length and width (even the internal dimensions).
Think about the bed frame quality and what type of construction is used. As previously mentioned, bed frames vary enormously in the quality of build and the materials manufacturers use which in turn will determine how long it lasts. Of course, if you only want a bed to last a short time and serve a specific purpose in a space then cost is a big factor and we offer several budget options in designer styles, wood and material.
Speak to an expert. We've got many years experiance helping customers choose the right bed. We dont take commision and know a thing or two about the different construction methods, choice available, and styles you may have in mind that you may not see locally. We always on hand if you want to chat about your requirements

Category: Bed Frames